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Office furniture is the equipment and furnishings that are used in an office environment. It can range from chairs, desks, tables, and storage units to lighting and filing cabinets. Office furniture is important because it provides comfort and efficiency for the employees who work there. 

Office furniture can range from chairs, desks, tables, and storage units to lighting and filing cabinets. 

Reasons Why You Should Spend More on Your Desk Than a Chair or Table 

Since desks are more expensive than chairs or tables, it can be hard to justify the extra cost. But there are many reasons why you should invest in a desk. 

1) A desk can help you be more productive: A desk is a place where you can organize your thoughts and work with all sorts of materials – from paper to digital devices. It also has the potential to help you focus on the task at hand, which will make it easier for you to complete tasks faster and get things done ahead of schedule. 

2) A desk can provide more storage space: If your office only has one table that is shared by everyone in the room, then chances are that it doesn’t have enough storage space for all your work needs. If you’re a freelancer or you are working from home, then chances are that the limited space in your home office is a real problem. 

3) A desk can help you avoid accidents and injuries: Although it’s not always possible to have a desk in your workspace, or even if you don’t have a designated work area, investing in a computer desk will be worth it since it provides an area where you can sit while working and avoid injuries such as tripping over cables or falling off chairs. 

5 Tips to Make an Impactful First Impression on Your New Coworker With Quality Design 

A first impression is a lasting impression. Studies show that people form an opinion about you within the first 10 seconds of meeting you. That’s why it’s so important to make a good first impression with your new coworker. Here are 5 tips to help you make a good first impression with your new coworker: 

1) Have a clean and organized desk when meeting with your new coworker for the first time.

2) Be polite and ask them how they are doing before diving into the work at hand. 

3) Smile often and use body language that shows interest in what they’re saying. 

4) Ask them about themselves, what they do outside of work, or what their hobbies are. 

5) If you have any projects on your desk, put them away and give your coworker a clear workspace. 

What are the Popular Types of Office Furniture These Days? 

In this article, we will explore the different types of office furniture that are available today and the benefits that they offer. We will also look at where you can purchase them from and how much they cost. 

The contemporary office furniture market is a booming business, with new designs being released every year. There are a number of different types of office furniture available on the market, some more popular than others. The most popular type of office furniture is ergonomic chairs, which provide comfort for all-day use and reduce back pain. They also promote good posture which in turn reduces stress levels. 

What is the Best Way to Buy Office Furniture in London? 

Choosing the best place to buy office furniture in London can be a difficult task. There are many factors that you need to consider before making a decision. You need to find out what type of furniture you are looking for, which types of materials you want it to be made of, and how much space you have available at your office. 

The best way to buy office furniture in London is by contacting professional interior designers who will provide expert advice on the best places for buying and where they would recommend that you start looking. They will also help with any design aspects of your office and provide advice on what types of materials will work best for your needs.

Our Top Tips for Creating the Ultimate Home Office

If you’re reading this blog whilst working from home, you’re certainly not alone. Recent years have seen a mass exodus of office-based workers – a trend that had already gathered ground, even before the COVID-19 pandemic created a major shift in the way we work.

During the height of the coronavirus crisis, research conducted by the BBC revealed that fifty of the UK’s biggest employers had no immediate plans to return all staff to a full-time office base. And a new generation of employees is overwhelmingly geared toward hybrid working, where at least some of the working week is spent at home.

Ultimate Home Office

In terms of work/life balance and flexibility, this is good news but, as anyone who is having to conduct their career from the kitchen table or spare bedroom knows, working without a home office can be exceedingly challenging.

So, if you’re thinking about dedicating some space to a home office set up, here are some top tips to ensure you create the optimum working environment:

It’s all about the desk

Every home office starts with a desk. It’s the single most important office item you’ll purchase, as everything else will be designed around it. Of course, the desk has to suit the space and, for many of us, this may be limited.

Working from Home

At bc office furniture we offer a range of desk shapes, type and sizes to suit a variety of spaces – from cantilever frame desks to corner desks, wall hung desks and sit/stand desks. We can help you to make the most out of whatever space you have available. And with a selection of styles available too – you can match your desk to your interior scheme, so it won’t clash or look incongruous.

Pick a Supportive Chair

You’ll be spending lots of time at your home desk, so as well as ensuring that it’s practical and looks nice and, it’s vital to create a space that supports your wellbeing. That may mean situating your desk where there’s lots of natural light, popping plants on your desk or incorporating mood-boosting colours and artwork into your office scheme. Crucially, it also means picking an office chair that supports your back and provides comfort.

Think office health & safety – you should be able to sit with your feet flat on the floor and your knees at a 90-degree angle. Adjustable chairs can enable you to find the best height for your needs, but you also need to look for chairs with supportive backs and comfortable padding. Remember, the chair will be a permanent fixture, so needs to blend with the rest of your furniture.

Home Office Setup Essentials

Don’t Scrimp on Storage

It may be that you’re going for a minimalist look and want simple, sleek lines from your office furniture. If, on the other hand, you have a lot of office equipment/stationery and folders to keep tidy, look for units that offer plenty of storage. There are tonnes of options available for storage, including desk drawers, shelves, cupboards or desk-top containers. The last thing you want in your home is more clutter, so seek out office furniture that helps you to minimise mess.

Make it Personal

Perhaps one of the most overlooked home-office set up essentials is the need to inject some personality into your scheme. The joy of not being office-based is that you can make the space your own. So, take your time to pick furniture that not only complements the rest of your home but which makes you feel happy. The more comfortable and familiar you feel in your workspace, the more productive you’ll be.

Whatever style you are looking for, you can find the perfect product with us. To discover more, please get in touch with us. Or, if you would like to speak to a member of our team directly, call us on 020 8953 3437. We will be pleased to help you with any queries you may have.


If you have a well-designed office, you provide your employees with an ideal working space that offers many benefits. Your employees might not be able to perform at their best if you don’t put much thought into designing their work area.

Before you rent or buy your office space, you should think of ways to design it strategically. You have to check all the details and determine how these can affect your employees and the company. Continue reading to better understand how work design can affect work productivity.

Establish Professionalism

Employees want the feeling of connection when they work in an office. This is especially true if they spend time working at home. They can have more motivation to complete their tasks if their office is something they add a personal touch to, such as a photo of their favourite travel or family. You can also place a nameplate in their work area to give them the feeling of ownership and establish professionalism.

Cut Down Distractions

Instead of focusing on their work, people will focus on the pain they feel from aching back, neck, or wrist. So, having ergonomic furniture is an excellent idea to keep employees working on big projects at their desks.

It’s recommended to have a design plan that allows you to have more ergonomics in your office. For instance, you can place executive chairs to allow your employees to adjust the height of their chairs so that they can sit with the right posture.

In addition,  it would also help if your office design plan can accommodate more ergonomics in the workplace. For example, your employees can get adjustable seats that allow them to work with proper posture.

Keep Employees Engaged

Employees will likely feel sleepy at work if the office space has boring interiors and dull walls. Modern and polished pieces such as paintings and plants don’t only make your office more attractive but also professional.

Employee engagement will also be better if you consider the movement of people in your office design. For instance, if employees can easily move from their desk to a meeting room, they can shift more easily from working independently to working with a group.

Promote Teamwork

Having an open office is a good design idea. But, there’s something more you can do to foster collaboration. For instance, you can include small rooms designed for two to four employees to work together in office suites. Through this, they can work more closely without getting distracted.

Moreover, you can encourage spontaneous collaborations by placing pairs of chairs with a table in areas where employees usually walk. This can lead to an employee walking to get coffee to a collaboration that can result in great ideas.

Stimulate the Brain

According to a current study, it indicates that employees said that they experienced less eyestrain and headaches when there was more natural light in their office. So, large windows for your office design are a good way for more light to enter. If this isn’t possible, you can layer light to have the same effect. Employees are more attentive if their working area is bright.


Finally, you understand how a well-thought office design is important for employees to be motivated at work. Considering furniture in your office design, you can make your employees perform at their best and boost the company.

BC Office Furniture not only fosters productivity but also creativity through its office furniture pieces. Visit our website to discover more ergonomic chairs, tables, lighting, and more that can make your work area advantageous for your employees and the company.
